作者:栾城站 更新时间:2007-05-18
引起世界“绿色革命”的诺贝尔和平奖获得者 N E.Borlaug (2000)讲到: “我们如何在有限可能利用的水资源条件下, 生产更多的食物来满足日益快速增长的人口需要, 不可置疑的结论是, 人类在21世纪需要开展‘蓝色革命—让每一滴水生产出更多的粮食’ (Blue Revolution — more crop for every drop), 去继续完成20世纪 ‘绿色革命’的使命, 科学技术的发展在召唤我们走上这条道路”。从国内外生物节水的研究趋势来看,既受到了很大的重视,但同时目前生物节水的研究还处于相对薄弱的状态,国内在植物抗旱和水分高效利用研究较多,但动物和微生物抗旱节水研究比较少。特别是有些生物资源可以利用盐碱地的水分,或者可以消除污染,改良利用不良水资源,提高水分利用效率,发展经济,也是一个重要的研究方向。
1. 水资源与粮食和经济及生态安全
2. 生物节水研究的发展方向
3. 农艺节水和工程节水
4. 植物水分高效利用和抗旱的生理遗传育种
5. 动物和微生物水分高效利用和抗旱的生理遗传育种
6. 生物对不良水资源的改良和高效利用
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Email: zzb@ms.sjziam.ac.cn
The First International Conference on the Theory and Practices in Biological Water Saving
First Announcement
Organized by
Center of Agricultural Resources
Center for International Scientific Exchanges
Sponsored by
Ministry of Science and Technology of
National Natural Science Foundation of
Welcome to attend the First International Conference on the Theory and Practices in Biological Water Saving, organized by the
Water shortage has become one of the most urgent problems in the world. The next crisis in water shortage may have impacts far more severe than the crisis in oil shortage either we have experienced or in the future. Improving water use efficiency through biological approaches in combination with other agronomic water saving methods and projects and developing a sustainable agriculture under limited water resources have become and will continue to be the challenges in our research in the future.
The twentieth century has witnessed the great effort of mankind to strive for more food production. In the 1950s and 1960s, breeding for semi-dwarf wheat and rice cultivars that were lodging resistant and required more nutrients, led to an unprecedented increase in grain production known as the First Green Revolution. As mankind has entered 21st century, Blue Revolution, the struggle in agriculture for better use of water resources, has just begun.
Norman E. Borlaug, 1970 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, said in 2000, “how can we continue to expand food production for a growing world population within the parameters of likely water availability? The inevitable conclusion is that humankind in the 21st Century will need to bring about a ‘Blue Revolution –more crop for every drop’ to complement the so “Green Revolution” of the 20th Century. Water use productivity must be wedded to land use productivity. Science and technology will be called upon to show the way”.
From the post decade, many scientists have paid more attention on water use efficiency. For example, There is one chapter “Technologies affecting water-use efficiency of plants and animals” in the book “Water related technologies for sustainable agriculture in U.S arid and semiarid lands” in the 1990s. The genomics of plant water use efficiency project, funded by a grant from the National Science Foundation in 2001 in
In our opinion, drought resistance is important, but high water use efficien